Monday, February 18, 2008

Why do I dream about swimming?

I had an elaborate dream that my husband and I were with some anonymous family members of ours in Yerushalaim for shabbos, but I had to go Friday night. So we just excused ourselves before candlelighting, and got in the car - to drive to RBS so I could go to the pool! And before we get to RBS, when we're only in Beit Shemesh, I go "Oh my gosh, I'm such an idiot, why didn't I just go in YERUSHALAIM, because now it's going to take forever to walk back!" So we decided I would just go in Beit Shemesh, since it's closer than RBS... and my husband was going to drive back to J-town before shabbos, and I'm like, "you don't have enough time," and he's like, "sure I do," and I'm like, "no, look!" and the sun was almost totally down. So he pulls over and puts his wallet and keys under a dumpster and off we go on foot in Beit Shemesh (which oddly enough, resembles Bayit Vegan) looking for a pool. Finally I stop and ask a woman where it is, and she's says I'm right in front of it... and there's a line of women around the building (which has a very sketchy half sized door to go in - probably due to tznious). So we go in (yeah, my husband too, whatever), and there's a pool in the room I'm in but it's filled with blankets (aside: no I am NOT on drugs!) so we have to wait for the other one, and I forget that part, and then my husband and I are packing up getting ready to walk (note: the prep room was like a hotel room, so it had a tv and everything, but because it was shabbos already I couldn't turn the tv off, so we just turned down the volume before we left), and we're like, should we walk to RBS to change into better shoes and then walk to Yerushalaim? Nah, it's fine. Wait, should we just ask one of these women if we can come for dinner, because we'll miss dinner back in J-town? After all, it's going to take at least AN HOUR to walk to Yerushalaim from Beit Shemesh, right?

And then I woke up, with the full realization that all of this could never have happened, because the walk would be transgressing tchum shabbos. Well, duh.



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